Below is a little bit of information for you to keep in mind as you here “news” without context, which is all that the main stream media supplies. If you’re like me, you may have thought Libyan Leader Moammar Gadhafi was talking crazy when he stated "What is happening now is not the people's power. It is international terrorism led by al-Qaeda," in regards to the uprising in his country. Turns out this is not so far-fetched of a statement.
The information below is taken from the following article by Webster G. Tarpley: The CIA’s Libya Rebels: The Same Terrorists who Killed US, NATO Troops in Iraq. Keep in mind as you read through the excerpts that Al-Qaida is a creation of CIA and many Al-Qaida members have been on the CIA payroll (See Tim Osman aka Osama Bin Laden). Also, in the article below, Anwar Al-Awlaki is mentioned as a “rising star” of Al-Qaida; American born Al-Awlaki is currently on the CIA’s Kill or Capture list (Muslim cleric Aulaqi is 1st U.S. citizen on list of those CIA is allowed to kill). For a little context on Anwar Al-Awlaki, here’s some link to some articles detailing some of his past:
Since a lot of this may be new to some, let me sum up what I've excerpted below. The Libyan rebels currently being supported by NATO forces in fact belong to the same group that has sent the most suicide bombers to Iraq per capita; almost 20% of suicide bombers in Iraq hailed from the north-eastern area of Libya, site of the current uprising. So well we fight Al-Qaida in Afghanistan & Pakistan, we give them air support and weapons in Libya, and by we, I mean the ruthless, corrupt individuals that we still allow to run our countries.